Sunday, September 28, 2008

Camp T-shirt Competition Results

And, the winner of the Youth Camp T-shirt design competition is...


Based on his design, this is how our camp T-shirts will look like this year

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

So come and place your orders now! =)
You can place an order at the registration booth (it is now open every week)

Guess what's next????


Hope you all enjoy it! =)


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

T-shirt competition

Woo hoo! Finally the T-shirt Design Competition has ended! Numerous designs were sent in.

These are the designs:

The winner has been chosen by the panel. So, hold your breath till this Saturday, 27th September 2008 (but don't take this literally) and wait to see who the winner is - and how our Camp T-Shirt this year will look like!!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Top ten things you SHOULDN'T do in camp

10) Forget your toothbrush

9) Bring out the wrong person for Banquet Night

8) Drink too much water and realize it during the bus ride

7) Replace your dormmates' toothpaste with shaving cream

6)Replace your dormmates' shaving cream with toothpaste

5) Sleep-speak/sleep-sing in a dorm of 12

4) Play Hide and Seek with your shadow

3) Surprise your mortal with a Barbie Doll

2) Talk to the tree

1) Not sign up

Registration is opened

Dear readers,

We're moving closer to the date!

Registration is opened every Saturday after 365, and from next week onwards, on Sundays too.

Next week, we will announce the winner of the T-Shirt Design Competition and the recipient of the free ticket to camp. We will also, finally, be announcing the existence of the camp blog and launching our publicity efforts. Stay tuned and get excited ;>

Abel Cheah

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Camp Jokes

Here are 3 jokes for the camp

Car breakdown?

Ah Beng and his four friends were going to camp at Port Dickson. Half way, the battery failed and they could not start the car. So Ah Beng said to his four friends: “Maybe if we push the car and engage the gear, we can start the engine”. So his four friends pushed the whole day and were very exhausted but the car did not move an inch.
Why couldn’t Ah Beng and his friends move the car?
Because two Ah Bengs were pushing from the front and two from behind.

Name of God is Harold?

Ah Beng came back from camp and was very excited about what he learned. He told Ah Lian excitedly , “I have discovered a new name for God ? Ah Lian asked , “is Jehovah or El Shaddai ,?”“No” , Ah beng replied , “What about Jehovah Rophe , or Jehovah Jireh ? “ “No , you have not heard this one before” replied Ah Beng. “Okay I give up , what is the new name of God you discovered in camp ?” asked Ah Lian. Ah Beng replied with a huge smile “Its Harold”.
Ah Lian said , “You are fooling me , where in the Bible did it say that God’s name is Harold ?”
Ah Beng replied, “But I heard the speaker prayed , “Our Father who is in heaven , Harold be Your Name.”

Luxury Bus Trip?

Ah Beng got up a luxury double-decker bus, going to camp at Port Dickson. Since the luxury bus was half full, the conductor told Ah Beng that he could sit anywhere he liked. Ah Beng got to the top deck, and he liked it very much because the view was fantastic. Then a passenger came up and demanded that Ah Beng to sit elsewhere. Ah Beng refused. The conductor came and pleaded with Ah Beng. He refused to because the conductor promised him that he could sit anywhere.
The driver came up to find out what was the problem. Then He whispered into Ah Beng’s ear. Immedaitely, Ah Beng got his bag and went to sit at the lower deck. The passenger and conductor were surprised and asked the driver what did he tell Ah Beng.
The Driver said: Oh , I just told him that the top deck is going to Penang and the lower deck is going to Port Dickson.

Ee Huei

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Camp Theme

Survive, Thrive, Revive !!!

This is the theme for Youth Camp this December. I believe that many of us will be refreshed by the Word of God again and we will return from this camp not empty handed but with promises to claim and a God to glorify. Among the many camps that I have attended, one thing that encourages me is that the youths never fail to receive what they desired for in the camp itself. Many can give testimonies of how God has answered their prayers and how they experienced personal breakthroughs during that time.

I would like to share how i view the theme for this upcoming Youth Camp. The word "survive" means to remain functional or usable by God even in situations where it seemed to difficult. As a youth, I understand that sometimes we tend to be rebellious and we break the rules. But God wants us to listen to Him and obey what He commands us to do because He has a greater purpose than what we can see or imagine. For example, He will want us to reach out to our nonbeliever friends but we must first place ourselves in a place where we are walking right with God so that it is a good testimony to our friends. He certainly does not want us to be in a place where we invalid ourselves from being used by Him. We may just miss the opportunity because He can raise up another faithful servant who would listen to Him.

Secondly, I think that God wants us to grow in our relationship with Him. At this age of our lives, we can be easily distracted by our studies, friends and other activities and sometimes we forget that we have a God that wants us to spend time with Him too. For many of us, we know that He is always there when we need Him but we forget that He created us to have fellowship with Him. This will speak to all the youths about remembering our first love.

I like the last bit of the theme of this camp which says "revive". I know that this Youth Camp will be remembered because God will restore and renew strength in us. He will increase our strength in ways which we will know that it is only from Him. His strength will be immeasurable and His Word says that those who hope on the Lord will renew their strength. As we seek Him and ask from Him, He will certainly give to us the strength for a new year to come. This strength will be the engine that drives the youth to serve God with a greater passion and to trust in Him the things that He wants us to do.

Youth Camp this year will be an exciting time in life to experience the reality of God once again.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Most Memorable Camp Experience

There has been no ‘best camp’ for me as it were,

But rather, there have been great encounters worth remembering and sharing -

Friendships that have been built and are blossoming as they days go by,

And you suddenly realise that the 4 days at camp have sped by in no time at all.

It was to Camp 2005 that I went with a sense of excitement and an expectation for something great,

And my expectations were far from simply experiencing the very most of a plain old day at camp.

It seems like just yesteryear that I heard what God wanted me to be for Him,

It was in line with the camp theme - Making A Difference for God.

Remembering the altar call session is so empowering,

Heads were bowed and hands were raised up high in worship,

Songs of praise were sung and everyone lingered in the presence of Him alone,

The atmosphere was awesomely spirit-filled;

And there I was, enjoying God’s presence,

Expecting something from God,

Longing to hear Him.

I was prophesied over by the pastor and he said that he saw this big fountain,

Overflowing with water, and there I was with a little cup,

Trying to draw water to nourish the people by my side who were thirsting for more of Him.

But God said He would provide me with a bigger cup,

To care for more of the people in need.

I was amazed at how God spoke to me through the pastor!

It is something I hold on to till today and yes,

God is real.

God indeed works in miraculous ways;

Many people heard what they desired to hear from God during the time they spent at the altar.

Never before had I experienced God so real,

And He brought me closer to Himself at that camp.

Oh God, thank You for the time at camp spent with You.

It has been my stepping stone to the desire to serve Him,

For He made a difference in that camp,

In me and also, I believe, in the other campers as well.

So yes! Youth Camp is once again approaching!

As we look forward to it together,

Let's believe that God will indeed make a difference once again, in you and in me.
