There has been no ‘best camp’ for me as it were,
But rather, there have been great encounters worth remembering and sharing -
Friendships that have been built and are blossoming as they days go by,
And you suddenly realise that the 4 days at camp have sped by in no time at all.
It was to Camp 2005 that I went with a sense of excitement and an expectation for something great,
And my expectations were far from simply experiencing the very most of a plain old day at camp.
It seems like just yesteryear that I heard what God wanted me to be for Him,
It was in line with the camp theme - Making A Difference for God.
Remembering the altar call session is so empowering,
Heads were bowed and hands were raised up high in worship,
Songs of praise were sung and everyone lingered in the presence of Him alone,
The atmosphere was awesomely spirit-filled;
And there I was, enjoying God’s presence,
Expecting something from God,
Longing to hear Him.
I was prophesied over by the pastor and he said that he saw this big fountain,
Overflowing with water, and there I was with a little cup,
Trying to draw water to nourish the people by my side who were thirsting for more of Him.
But God said He would provide me with a bigger cup,
To care for more of the people in need.
I was amazed at how God spoke to me through the pastor!
It is something I hold on to till today and yes,
God is real.
God indeed works in miraculous ways;
Many people heard what they desired to hear from God during the time they spent at the altar.
Never before had I experienced God so real,
And He brought me closer to Himself at that camp.
Oh God, thank You for the time at camp spent with You.
It has been my stepping stone to the desire to serve Him,
For He made a difference in that camp,
In me and also, I believe, in the other campers as well.
So yes! Youth Camp is once again approaching!
As we look forward to it together,
Let's believe that God will indeed make a difference once again, in you and in me.